Columbus Role Play Debrief
1) How did you feel during the role play? What happened?
During the role play, I felt intrigued. I thought it was very interesting to see how different suspects would defend their actions, even if they knew what they did was wrong. I also felt a strong urge to defend my position, because that is what you do in a trial.
2) How would you describe the events of the role play? Who won?
There was some intense and heated arguments in the role play, because each person was determined to defend their positions. However, there were also plenty of critical thinking, because everyone carefully thought through their positions in the crime, and came up with evidence and good argument on why they should be considered not-guilty. I think the Tainos won; even before the trial started it was evident that they would win because they were the victims of the case. They came up with solid arguments that defended their positions which others couldn’t argue against.
3) What did you learn? Did it confirm or disconfirm what you already knew?
I learned more about each party's’ position on the case by reading their indictments, and hearing them present their arguments. It confirmed what I knew already, which was the fact that Columbus was indeed the culprit for the mass murder of the Tainos, however, was rather surprised to see how big of a role King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella played in the case, and how a majority considered them guilty. I was also surprised that most of the students didn't blame the System of the Empire, because I certainly did.
4) Putting your character aside, how would YOU apportion guilt (percentile) to those who were charged?
60% Columbus
20% Columbus’s Men
10% System of the Empire
10% King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
0% Tainos Indian