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Weekly Writing Prompt 8 (Quarter 2): Rise of Feminism

Prompt: Analyze a Primary Source and Explain its Significance

The Declaration of the Rights of Women, drafted by a brave French feminist by the name of Olympe de Gouges, was published in response to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Although the French Revolution was known for establishing the basis of individual rights and human rights in general, especially with the proposal of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, a significant aspect which it neglected was woman's rights. Therefore, when Gouges first proposed her Declaration of the Rights of Woman, it seemed like it might be a game changer for the French Revolution; however, her ideas by the majority [of male citizens and few female citizens with conservative views] were tossed aside in the short term. The Declaration of the Rights of Women was a very significant document, due to the fact that it was one of the first public act of feminism, and a very risky one indeed.

In Gouges' Declaration of the Rights of Women, she declares that women and men are suppose to be equal in society, and that they are entitled to citizenship rights as men are. She further emphasizes that women should be part of the National Assembly if they are to be recognized as men's equal. She explicitly states that women must have natural, inalienable rights as men do as well. Women also share responsibilites and duties in societies which they can only fullfill if they are granted the same rights as men do; this shows that rights are in fact a very significant aspect of an individual, and if they are expected to contribute to society, they must have freedom to do so. Furthermore, in article 17, she states that women must be allowed to fully participate or have a say in the creation of laws which they themselves must follow, and must be allowed to participate in the government. In addition, she further emphasizes that women must be granted freedom of expression and speech. In the Declaration of the Rights of Women, a significant aspect of the document is Gouges' view of the treatement of women by men; she recognizes that women are treated like objects and property of men, and hopes to change that through her declaration. In her declaration, she proposes a Form of Social Contract Between Man and Women, where both the spouse in a marriage agrees to come together in an equal partnership of mutual interest and understanding.

This document paints a contract between historical beliefs and the treatment of women in countries in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia. Its ironic to think that even with a historical document dating back to the French Revolution about Women's Rights, there are countries today thaat are still struggling to obtain rights for women; however, a majority of developed countries such as the U.S. and other nations, have recognized the significance of women's role in society, and have recognized women as the male's equal counterpart. Gouges' Declaration of the Rights of Women, although inconsequential in the short term during the time, was just the beginning of a greater movement-- feminism.

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